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You’re Invited to Open the Jubilee Year with Bishop da Cunha On Sunday, December 29, in union with bishops throughout...
Stronger Priests, Stronger Parishes, Stronger Church On December 8, 2024, Bishop da Cunha released a new Pastoral Letter to the...
Catholic Social teaching (CST) has its roots int he Hebrew prophets who announced God’s special love for the poor and...
Dear Friends in Christ, When I arrived here at St. Pius back in 2021, I inherited an ongoing effort researching...
Have you every wanted to serve the Mass in a special way? Then become an altar server! Any boy or...
Website by Neil Dillon
Our Parish is committed to providing a safe place for all the faithful. Therefore, we follow a strict policy of The Essential Three for all who minister, work or volunteer in our parish. We ask for your cooperation and support. The safety of our community depends on all of us doing our part. Please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for more information: